Creative works elite

Reading and writing-to the next level

March 22


Do you ever feel like your life’s not good enough?

Do you ever feel like you’re not good enough?


We complain about such little things, but the truth is no one cares what I did yesterday or how my brother was mean to me. We only care about ourselves, because that’s what we’re made to do. Of course, if someone falls down we help them up, but who are we really? Is everything nice we do just for our public image? Are we really a nice person on the inside? And I don’t mean when no one’s watching. I mean when a monster is chasing you and someone trips. It’s the end of the world. It’s you or them. Do you help them up?
Or, you’re in the desert. You’re traveling with a limited supply of water and spot people lying in the sand. Do you give them water? Again, they may live if they come with you and you share your water, but what about you? Will you survive?


When we’re not in these tough situations, it all comes down to the situation and how it will affect our public image. We cherish a good public image. A bad public image makes you want to kill yourself.

How come you care about what you wear to school? Your public image.

How come you care about having what everybody else has? Your public image.

There are a few, lucky people who have learned to “not sweat the small stuff,” so to speak. If we all learned to be like them, we would save so much money wearing plain white t-shirts and jeans. No one would care if she was pretty and she’s not because no one cared. And no one would feel like they’re not good enough.

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